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StorBack software solution believes in 100 % customer satisfaction, to ensure this we offer all our technical and non technical support absolutely free of charge to our customers in setting up software and allow them to customize their needs.
StorBack Seed load Service to avoid the delays occured at the time of initial upload of the larger data files, StorBack will arrange for an external hard drive to be seed loaded onsite and then transferred to our server centers.
StorBack provides full 24hr monitoring of backup progress. we ensure smooth backup process, some problems can occur. Our professionals will notify you and work with you to diagnose and solve the issue. This way you can be confident that you're backups are running well at all times.
StorBack provides Email support and reply within the next business day. As well as telephone support for the urgent situations.
 I switched to Storback when I realized that my system has not backed up for weeks and no one realized! With StorBack if I only miss one backup they are already notifying me. No more cheap providers for me!  
- Tom, Miami, FL